Yukon NDP Statement on Eagle Gold Mine failure
June 26, 2024
Whitehorse, YT – Kate White, Yukon NDP Leader and MLA for Takhini-Kopper King, made the
following statement on Tuesday, June 25th:
“Massive, potentially catastrophic failures like we saw yesterday at the Eagle mine are why the
Yukon needs new and tougher mining legislation. The Yukon Government has to do better at
weighing the long-term risks that are put on Yukoners, and Yukon First Nations especially, when
industry gambles on our ecological and economic future.
We’ve seen time and again that Big Mining doesn’t pay for the clean up after a big fail. Yukoners
and Canadian taxpayers do.
Seven generations from now, it won’t matter how much gold came out of that mine. It’ll be
infinitely more important that the land isn’t poisoned and that the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun and the
people of Mayo have clean drinking water.”
For more information please contact:
Laurie Tritschler
Communications Lead, Yukon NDP
867-687-0284 (mobile)