Dental care and prescriptions for anyone that needs them
April 1, 2021

No one should have to skip their medications or a trip to the dentist if they can’t afford. This is care that people need and Yukoners shouldn’t have to go without.
That’s why today, Kate White and the NDP promised to cover basic dental care and prescription medications for those who aren’t already covered. Families shouldn’t have to make choices between buying their kid’s inhalers or paying their bills – or putting off dental care because it’s just too expensive.
It doesn’t make sense that your medications are covered if you end up in the hospital, but the medications that you take to prevent ending up in the hospital aren’t covered. And, although most of us don’t enjoy a trip to the dentist, we all know the importance of it and that things only get worse if we don’t go.
Canada’s the only country that has universal health care but doesn’t have universal coverage for prescription medication. It’s time that we caught up with everyone else.
The Yukon NDP will introduce prescription medication coverage and a basic dental care plan which covers regular trips to the dentist and essential dental work for every Yukoner not currently covered through another employer or government-provided program.
Kate’s plan will save families money and make sure that they get the health care they need. It’s just what the doctor (and dentists) ordered.