A dairy good idea
March 22, 2021

Today, Kate White announced an Eat Local Buy Local rebate for business who buy local dairy, eggs, produce and meat from local farmers. This rebate will help restaurants and Yukon-based retailers who are already buying local save money and encourage more businesses to join them.
Supporting local farmers and businesses is a win win situation. It’s good for our communities, it’s good for jobs and the economy, and it’s good for the environment. For farmers and producers in the region, this rebate will promote a stable market.
On top of the rebate, Kate will also support local producers by having Yukon government services (hospitals, care homes, etc) buy local when they can, honour government contracts with local food producers, and guarantee good mobile abattoirs for animal processing.
The territory has amazing local products and businesses, that deserve a government that is willing to support them – and Kate White plans to do just that.